Premiere at City of Arts and Sciences (Valencia) Spain. March 2011. Visited by more than 1.500.000 people.
Future Nature refers to an imaginary environment molded by men through new technologies. An ecosystem marked by digital tools as a result of a society more and more affected by them, being a possible upcoming nature and the logic consequence of the evolution process we are involved. Future Nature is formed by 16 artworks, a motion graphics piece and music.
The exhibition do not pretend to give any judgment only shows a possible upcoming reality, leaving an invitation to people’s imagination to reflect about something new that perhaps we will face in a close future.
Future Nature got a Metion at Prix Ars Electronica 2011 (Linz, Austria).
Music: The Lab: (José Corredera & Miguel Lázaro) - Motion graphics: Luis Herrero - Models: Tamako Akiyama, Dimo Kirilov, Jean Phillipe Dury- Photo models: Fernando Marcos - Curator: Virginia Paniagua - Text: José Ramón Alcalá - Special tanks to: Luis Miguel Bravo, Diana Gutiérrrez, Jaime Otegui, Diego Sánchez, Román Guerra, Niclas Elvingsson